In January the 2nd half started with my friends Sarah and Meghan visiting. It was great to show them everything I did in San Diego and it was mainly just amazing to see them.

We celebrated Mardi Gras with the Augustinian priests. They had lots of fun treats, beads and hats/masks for us to wear and even Fr. Bob's famous mojito's!

We had a big alumni night at our house. There were a couple alums that were in the area for the week, coming back to visit, so we decided to have them and the alums that were living in SD over to our house. It was a ton of fun to hang out with them and hear some great stories! This is a picture of the people that have worked at St. Pat's for the past 3 years, minus Stephen. On the right is me and annie, 2009-2010. The middle is Dan and Elizabeth, 2007-2008. And on the right is Jeanette and what would be Stephen, 2008-2009.

Bower, one of my old bosses from American Eagle, came out to visit in the middle of March. We did the ENTIRE tour of San Diego in about 3-4 days. I enjoyed finally being able to see everything and getting the chance to see her.

If you can't tell from the picture, St. Patrick's Day is one of my favorite holidays! I love it because I like to celebrate the fact that i'm Irish and as you can see from my outfit I wore a lot of green to celebrate. When we got home the festivities commenced.

eventually we got dressed up and made it out! We went to a place called Kate Sessions Park for the evening to hang out.

We ventured out to Nevada and headed to Las Vegas! It was so much fun to get away from SD and see another great part of the west coast, and a weekend we all really needed. Emily, Ali, Mike Roderick and one of Ali's friends from home went. Emily and I spent a lot of time together. We saw a show, cirque du soeil's "love" all to beatles music, and fell in love with the bellagio...we saw many light/water shows and sat at an amazing piano bar.

on our way home though we were in TONS of traffic! It was supposed to take 5 hours but ended up taking 11. We saw lots of signs along the way for Peggy Sue's diner and decided to stop to take a break from traffic. Good marketing if I don't say so myself...they got us there!

In April I headed home for Easter, but took a stop to the Bronx first to visit my best friend, Alli Lua! She has been volunteering there this year and it was great to see where she lives and work and take a lovely tour of NYC. I loved being home as well and just being able to relax with my family.




we had a variety of nights where we decided to just stay in and enjoy the evening to ourselves rather then going out. Whether it was 1. drinking unexpectedly 2. playing a game of catholic kings with alumni visiting 3. just having a relaxing evening smoking cigars outside or on the deck, the 6 of us. or 4. just enjoying ourselves with our "manos al aire!"

In May, Lisa from Chicago came to visit us! We loved having her with us!

frozen yogurt was a big part of our year...we went a good amount of times to go get fro-yo and it's probably where I spent a good portion of my stipend. There was always somebody to go with and it made us all feel better after some long days!

the above two pictures are us at seal beach, was one of my favorite touristy places in San Diego. I sometimes wish that I could have a pet seal. No matter how many times I went there (a lot), I could stare at them forever.

something else we did throughout the 2nd half of the year was take more beach trips at night. I loved just laying there looking at the ocean and the stars.

I celebrated my 23rd birthday! I had an awesome day at school. I think through a few kids and a couple teachers knowing everybody ended up finding out. My 6th graders decorated the computer room, the 1st graders mad me a crown that I had to wear during the day, kindergartners got me a piece of cake with flowers and cards made by them, and everybody said happy birthday to me all day long. After work we went out to dinner at my favorite place...the cheesecake factory! It was the first birthday not being at home, but I really enjoyed it!

these two pictures are from the Wild Animal Park! We had the tickets for so long and we finally went at the end of May. It was fun because we took a safari and saw lots of different animals they have there! It was fun to get out of the house and go there.

With our community budget we bought tickets to see the San Diego Padres. It was fun to see a game and I had my first ball park hot dog!

the six of us in front of cinderella's castle

On June 1st we all took a day off of work and headed to DisneyLand! Annie, Mike and I had already been once with 8th grade and Emily had already gone with the seniors at SAINTS, but it was good to go with the community+mike roderick! In the morning we went to California Adventure (awesome park!) and then in the afternoon/evening we went to Disney. So much fun to have a day off for Disney!

we headed to a big fundraiser/thank you for the orphanage. We were able to get all dressed up and see a lot of the big people who help the orfa out with their donations. They had a house on Point Loma over looking the water and the city. Beautiful!

we had the San Diego AV's annual "end of the year party." It's a big thing the AV's do every year and we had been hearing about this party from co workers for 10 months. We really enjoyed our party and having all of our co workers over to celebrate a great year. Stephen and Allie from last year were in town visiting as well as Dan, Jesse and Jeanette who live there so we took the annual picture of all AV's past and present that were there in front of 1621 (our house).

One big thing we did this year was giant pinata's for birthdays. After my birthday, the last one, we were finally able to take the picture of all of us with them. We bought Mike one for his bday and then the tradition just continued and we were able to get them custom made! Mike's is a cervaza bottle, chris had a prego can because he hate canned sauce and he can smash the prego, ali has a polar bear(what she calls herself) wearing a pink villanova V shirt. Emily's is alphaba from wicked, annies is a starbucks cup and mine is a St. Pat's student so i could kick it when I got home from work instead of yell on a bad day. We all loved them so much and it as a sad to say adios to them!

of course we concluded our year in san diego with...cleaning. It seemed like it was going to be horrible, especially since we decided not to clean our house for the last two weeks. It turned out not to be too bad, we had all of our favorite foods in san diego for lunches and dinner and Allison and I may have had too much fun while doing it!
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