I find St. Pat's to be a difficult place to describe. There were days were I dreaded going and hated being there and other days where I really enjoyed all of what I was doing. To say that this year was the most difficult year of my life is a complete understatement. Coming into the school I had no idea what I was doing in the beginning, hell, I had no idea what I was doing in the end either. I was given tasks that were challenges such as disciplining students, taking the time to plan lessons, and even just learn about sports a little bit.
Each day was difficult. I was given obstacles that I didnt think I had the ability to overcome. How do you deal with a student who won't stop hitting other kids, or a kindergartener who talks back, or a 5th grader that only wants to fight with you, or a junior high student who only cares about what he or she can do to get on your nerves. But through everything, I found the strength to keep going. I learned how to talk to a student, how to get them to calm down and how to form relationships other then aruging. Maybe I even learned a little bit about how to get the students to stop running around with cones on their heads so they didn't have to do laps. (even if that meant taking away PE!)
Even though I had difficulty I truly believe that without being tested I wouldn't have been able to grow. I'm happy with the relationships I formed with both teachers and the students. The teachers were some of the nicest people I have ever met and their generosity still amazes me. They helped Anne and I with so much, made us laugh constantly, and even just put a smile on my face when I was having a hard time. I really couldn't have made it through without them and I'm very sad thinking about how they won't be with me all the time next year.
Most importantly though, the students really did change me for the better. The great part about working at a small school is that I was really able to get to know each and every child. I learned that there was really something special about each and every one of them. I was able to form relationships with most of them and I already miss them dearly. Like the teachers, it's very difficult to think about the fact that I won't be seeing them regularly.
Here are other pictures of the kids at school that I love, unfortunately I can't fit pictures of them all...
me and annie with 6th graders Andrea and Claudia
Annie and I with 1st grader Annette
I am so happy that I had Annie at St. Pat's with me. She was really the one who made everything better when I was having a bad day. I loved that we were able to teach all of our classes together on Tuesday's and Thursday's and really use each others strengths to push each other foward. I loved laughing with her, watching an occasional glee episode, having our starbucks runs every Thursday, having someone to chat with during classes, and sending notes to each other via students when we couldn't be together! I'm so happy that the two of us had the opportunity to work together and share in these memories together.
The last week of school we taught our last classes, got things ready for next years volunteer, cleaned the computer room and PE closet and said goodbye. The last day of school was a lot more difficult than I thought iw was going to be. In the morning, Annie and I went for our last starbucks run, we were on our usual recess duty (mostly just playing with the kids this day) and then went to the final award ceremony. The last hour or so of the day was spent going to each class. We said goodbye and I was okay at first, only slightly tearing up. But then I got to 5th grade and a couple of my favorite girls starting crying as they were hugging me and asking me not to leave and I started getting a lot more sad. Then I moved onto 6th grade and starting balling and then stayed the same for 7th. I don't think I realized until the last day just how much the school really meant to me.
So, needless to say, I believe the hardwork really did pay off. I'm proud of all I accomplished at the school and I really do miss that place so much.
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