Catholic Schools Week began on Sunday, February 7th with an open house they had to show off some stuff the children had been doing. At each of the masses that day they had parents speaking to the parishoners about what a catholic school meant to them, and the principal/my supervisor, Dan O'Neal, asked me to speak at the 5:30pm youth mass about catholic schools in my life (which is nothing except for college!) So here is what I wrote:
"For those of you who may not know me, my name is Kaitlyn Kupski. I am a recent college graduate and this year I am working as an Augustinian Volunteer here in San Diego. As a full time volunteer I was placed to work here at St. Patrick's School and was asked to speak to you all briefly today regarding the kick off of Catholic Schools Week.
Through high school I attended public schools and for my higher education I chose to attend Merrimack College, an Augustinian school in Massachusetts. As much as I enjoyed the education I had as a child I was excited for the opportunity I was about to embark on. At Merrimack I truly found the Augustinian spirituality and saw what a catholic community actually was. A catholic school gave me the chance to participate in retreats and more importantly service opportunities where I was able to serve God's poor and needy in a variety of different ways. I was able to learn about Catholicism in my everyday life and embrace all of St. Augustine's teachings. I always knew that there was something missing in my life and throughout my time at Merrimack I found God.
I knew my senior year that I wanted to continue to serve and really grow in my faith post college, so I chose to do a year of volunteer work. I didn't have many logical choices behind my decision to become an Augustinian Volunteer other then the fact that I knew God was truly calling me to this path. In the five months I have been working at St. Patrick's School I have been beyond impressed with the quality of educationl; not just what they are learning, but how they are learning it. I was immediately struck by the community here and finally understand the importance of a catholic education. Each person here looks out for one another and really does care for each other. A catholic school is more then just learning about God, a catholic school encourages intellectual growth, nurtures faith and inspires action. Although I do believe I recieved a good education in a public school I am now seeing from St. Patrick's what more a catholic education can offer. These children have a guiding force in their life that I was not lucky enough to have as a child.
As catholic schools week is beginning I challenge all of you to think about what a catholic education has done for you and what it can continue to do. I have been blessed to even now learn what it means to have a quality education and I am looking foward to all that I can learn from St. Patrick's and catholic schools in the remaining 5 months I will be an Augustinian Volunteer here in San Diego."
The rest of catholic schools week was great. Monday was Hat day, which means I obviously rocked my Boston hat. Tuesday was crazy day, Anne and I decided to go all out and plan somewhat matching outfits...

Anne and I in all of our gear in front of the house before work int he morning.
Wednesday was grandparents day/perfect dress day. So they all had to show up in their best uniform attire. Thursday was Sports Day (wore my Brady jersey of course!) which during the last period was the annual students vs. teacher volleyball game. The 7th and 8th graders play and the teachers obviously won...for the 11th year in a row. Anne and I were getting afraid cause the students were looking good in PE, but they didn't win!

All the teachers that played, after we won!
Friday was Diversity Day which was also a half day. The kids came in dressed up in clothing from their heritage and all brought in some type of food for their heritage as well. In the last period before going home, I didn't have classes, so I had the ability to go around to every single class and try all of the delicious food! I can definitely say that I am beginning to break out of my shell of being a picky eater...I'm not all the way there yet, but I'm getting there!
I think really loved catholic schools week because I was really able to see the love the kids had for their school. They showed me how much I can really love the school. I was able to have fun at the school and with the kids and I think that is what made me enjoy my work. Now that I am able to have fun with the children I can truly enjoy their presence and the love they give.
NICE! Happy to see you blogging again! Now I need to update my own, haha. Very good entry here, I mean I knew that you had to speak about catholic schools in your life, etc.. but hadn't seen the speech. I'm looking forward to more updates in the near future!