Wednesday, December 23, 2009
"But I'm Allergic to Football!"
A few weeks ago I just couldn't take it anymore. Every one of the 8th graders was being so horrible that I took away their next P.E. class and gave them a writing assignment instead. They ran around when I asked them to stand still. They got sick of the game they begged me to play and decided to sit down mid class. They then continued to argue with me when I told them they needed to stand up. Where have I gone wrong? I work as hard as I possibly can to give them a great class. I thought I could be the cool young teacher that everybody loved. I could play fun games, teach kids a lot about computers, learn about sports myself and perhaps even work on my farmers tan a bit. Turns out, the only thing which was true about that thought was my ability to work up a good farmers tan.
I spend my time yelling at the students to not run around while we're stretching, to actually run when they are doing laps, to stop talking so I can pick the teams and explain the game being played, and asking them to just TRY to play the game that day. Sometimes I have great days while other day's kids get mad at calls made and tell me that they hate me and want a new coach. The only way I really think you could understand what a day is like is by reading some of the apology letters they h ad to write the day they didn't ahve P.E. I found that these are the only things that really show how students act. Some just made me laugh while others show how the students actually behave.
"Dear Ms. Kupski, I'm sorry for not being respectful, talking back to you and not following your directions. I'm sorry for listening to music really loud with bad language. I'm sorry for not staying on my poly spot and messing aroudn in P.E. and in the computer room. I hope you can forgive me for being rude and disrespectful to you the whole year."
"The rules for computers were to not interrupt. They were to be quiet. Not to fool around. Not to misbehave. I fooled around. I misbehaved. I interrupted the class. I was being very loud. I should not have done those things."
"I will get a better P.E. grade and I will try harder. From now on I will be the best I can be. I am sorry Ms. Kupski. I am so very sorry."
"I"ll try harder to listen to you. Next P.E. class maybe we will have fun if we listen to each other. I am very stubborn though and it is hard for mem to listen to what you have to say. I will try hard not to argue."
"I am deeply sorry for my actions of not listening. I will do better so help me God. This will never happen again so help me God."
"I will strive to be a good student. Sorry that I argue, it's just that you don't really watch and I am too competitive. I want to win every single game."
"Next time, there will not be a next time. I will be the very best I can be in my behavior and my grades. Again, I am truly sorry. I hope we can still be friends."
Each day at St. Patrick's School as P.E. and Computer Teacher is a new challenge for me. I don't know why, but the students feel they have to act as horrible as they possibly can and continuously misbehave before I can be "initiated" into the position. My struggle is attempting to see where I fit in at the school. Sometimes to the students I am "just a volunteer" while other times I am a teacher. I am in charge of a classroom (or parking lot) full of students and I have to spend my time creating lessons and enforcing rules.
Without struggles though, my job would be too easy and I wouldn't have anything to work towards (maybe not actually since I still am pretty clueless when it comes to most sports!). I am thankful though for the kids that really do show me what makes my job enjoyable, whether it be any kindergartner running to come latch onto me at any point in the day, 1st grader Annette screaming across the yard to tell me she think my t-shirt is very pretty today, seeing the kids truly enjoying a game of big base kickball (my all time favorite), a junior high student being appreciative of the fact that I am running the KICS club, or just getting to know each of my 152 students on a more personal level. The teachers have been amazing in helping me whenever possible and give me the confidence to keep working as hard as I can. I am also lucky to have a community that continues to motivate me each day to persevere. As this year is quickly progressing I am beginning to see why it is God has me here in San Diego and at St. Patrick's School and I am truly looking foward to everything lies ahead for the remainder of this year.
Kaitlyn Kupski
San Diego
Friday, October 16, 2009
I know I've been slacking...
So...I honestly can't even remotely remember what exactly has happened over the past few weeks. Just working lots. I have typically been working what comes out to be around 50 hours a weeks...not even including most of the time that I spend doing my lesson plans. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays i've been heading to St. Pats around 7 with Emily and Mike when they leave for work. That extra hour before school starts gives me the time to be able to sit down and get some lessons done. Tuesdays and Thursdays when Anne is with me we get to school for 8. Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursday I'm there till 5, Wednesdays till 6 by the time I'm finished things up and headed home and Fridays around 3.
Work is going well. I finally know all 150 (give or take) kids names. The kids are starting to warm up to me a lot more finally. Kinder is finally beginning to calm down. 1st grade is still crazy. 2nd grade is with them but they are all good and adorable. 3rd gets a little upset sometimes but they have been listening well. 4th is pretty good...they are happy with anything that you give them to play and don't complain much at all. There are a couple kids that get down on themselves if they aren't doing well but they are still cute.
5th is just overall insane. There are 26 kids that all have very strong personalities. There is this one boy Kaleb who is new to the school this year that has been giving me and everybody else in his class a hard time. Once you tell him to do something he wants to go ahead and do the opposite of what you are telling him. And when kids in his class start to get mad at him he just goes even further to make them even more mad. The other kids are really bad with egging him on though. Last week he told me that he would rather fail PE then spend the 45 minute class with me. This week he actually played a game so we're getting steps. This week though about 8 kids in the class started an underground newspaper about kaleb though. Luckily Jane found out and Kaleb did not. Jane is by far one of my favorite teachers. I am so impressed by how she works with that class and especially how she is with Kaleb.
6th grade is one of my favorite classes. They are usually always pretty good in both PE and computers. Their teacher Shannon is also one of my favorites, she helps me out a great deal with everything at the school. 7th grade either has a really good day or a really bad day. Out of the class of 18 only 6 are girls and they are very cliquey; it's like 2 vs. 2 vs. 2. Some of the boys are pretty good but the others are pretty crazy. This past week Anne and I gave 2 of them parent notices and 3 different boys broke down in tears for a variety of different reasons. 8th grade overall is just obnoxious. They think they run the school and can treat me like crap and I don't even know what to do with them. Luckily due to them visit catholic high schools in the area and fall festival and testing I haven't had them too much. I think every one of the 28 works hard to do everything they can to go against me. I wish there was more I could do to get them to behave for me but it's how they've been for a while now, both the teachers and past av's have told me this.
My lack of equipment has shown to be a huge challenge. There are things that I want to do in class but I can't because I don't have the items to actually do it. I'm trying to figure out what I can for next week. I wanted to do football or baseball because the kids have been asking me to do those since I've been there but I don't have a football or even baseballs. I'm currently working on getting more equipment. Tutoring is also suprisingly slightly difficult. It's a lot to be done the school day and still have about 2-3 hours left. Kids tend to show up with nothing to do so we have to figure out things for them to do. Each day proves to be a new challenge for me. All I'm doing for now it just trying to give all that I can to the school and do the best I possibly can. I do wish I knew more about PE or sports in general. I have learned lots since I have been here though. My job is a bigger challenge then I thought it was going to be but I can definitely tell you that I will gain more then I even thought I would as well.
I do very much love the community at St. Pats. The teachers are all amazing. Like I said before, I am still amazed about how easily they were able to welcome us into their community at the school. The way they have made me a part of the school makes me feel like I've been there for years rather then a month and a half. Even a lot of the kids are great as well. Everyone up through about 5th grade will say hi to me everytime they see me.
Community life has been going great as well. I don't exactly remember what exactly we have been doing here all togther. Last weekend we headed to the fall festival at St. Pats. We've gone out a decent amount and stayed in as well. We tend to hang out with the Roderick's, Dan and Mike, who live down the street, on the weekends. Dan was a volunteer here in SD 2 years ago and stayed after his year to run the orphanage in Tijuana, Mexico. It's nice to have some other friends here then just the 6 of us.
We are in the middle of our month of visitors. We had Pat here for site visit about 2 weeks ago now. The day Pat left, mom came. It was awesome to have her here. We didn't do anything too spectacular, but it was great to show here where I'm living and working and let her get to know my community. Emily's friend Karl came the day after she left and is here with us now until Monday. Thursday Anne's friend comes until Monday and then Emily is heading to LA with her mom. We all may actually head up to LA that weekend too. It's still up in the air a bit, but it should definitely be a good time! I'm quite excited to get out of our little like 10-15 mile radius. Tomorrow actually we are headed to this place called Julian where apparently it reminds you of fall which we are all quite excited for! Apparently it's cold there and there are trees that are not a palm! Next Saturday we are actually all headed to the orphanage for the day. I'm excited to head there since I've heard so much about it not only from my roommates but Merrimack people as well. I'm nervous because I don't know any spanish at all, but I think I will be okay.
Anyways, everything is going well here in SD. I am finally feeling very comfortable with my roommates and with the area and things around here. This weekend is actually the first one where I've really been homesick...and it's only because homecoming/alumni weekend is going on at Merrimack. I'm trying to forget about it though even though it's pretty hard. I will try to update this more often. I will try not to let this get out of hand without updating for a while again!
Sunday, September 20, 2009
another weeks work
Monday it typically the day that everybody hates, but it is my easiest day of the week. I suppose it is good because I am able to ease myself into the crazy days. I only have one PE class, the 6ths graders which are really great to me. I have 8th grade computers following that, but I've been having a lot of problems with the computers so I have yet to have them for that. Monday's are the days I also have english enrichment classes. The kids who are fluent in spanish bring some of their english work to me and we do that together. I find it to be pretty hard because I don't really get a specific idea of what to be doing with them. I'm sure i'll figure it out within the next couple weeks though
Tuesday's are long days. Anne and I are split up through the first four periods of school because there are computer and PE classes going on at the same time. The two of us finally sat down this week to figure out our schedule of how things will be working at the school. I start out with 6th grade computers, have a break and recess duty, then 5th grade PE followed by 4th grade PE. lunch time is afterwards and then Anne and I have the 7th graders and the 1st/2nd graders together. computers this week has beeen a chance for them to get work done due to the lack of computers. 5th, 4th and 7th grades we played big base kickball which is a more fun version of kickball. 1st and 2nd grade we decided that since it's such a big class on Tuesday's we are going to work on their motor skills and fridays when I have them alone we will play a game.
Wednesdays are a strange day. I really like the mornings because it starts with liturgy. It's great to see the kids in mass and really enjoy it. A different grade runs the mass each week and they put a new spin to it. It's definitely very cute. The afternoons get hard because I have the 7th graders which aren't too bad, followed by the 8th graders. We played volleyball in both classes and let me just tell you, setting up that net is the hardest thing ever, and we did it 3 days in a row. The 2nd group of 8th graders had computers and the comps wont be going till this week so they were all complaining. It's funny though how they are such a horrible class yet when they are seperated (like they are for computers. half have it mon. have wed.) they are so much better. It's just that they egg each other on and become very rude. Not only to me but their classmates as well.
Thursday and Friday I set up the volleyball net again. Played it with most of the classes by starting with skills and moving into a game eventually. Anne and I are together for all of Thurs so it makes it easier to control the classes. Fridays are supposed to be the "it's exciting because it's almost the weekend" day, but for me it's the most difficult day of the week. I have the 8th graders for PE in the morning and they are just ridiculous. They don't listen to me and don't treat me as their teacher. Probably since they can remember they've always had a new volunteer there each year for PE so all they know is the new person coming in. I'm just the new volunteer in their eyes. Kinder followed 8th grade and since it was friday they were just nuts. Its so hard to calm them down and they hate being in the sun for 45 minutes. 4th grade is later and they always give me a hard time and 1st/2nd is after them which is pretty much just like Kinder except there are triple the amount of kids. So needless to day, Friday's are hard...but i'm hoping that they will get easier with time.
So since the kids haven't really done any specific PE units with the combination of skills and games because they have different teachers every year, I'm going to try to make that happen for them this year. The pricipal of St. Pats is also the principal of Holy Family grammar school where Mike works as a PE teacher. The person that was in his position retired and left him all her old lesson plan books so I have one and i'm going to try to implement a lot of that on the same schedule to the kids out here. They are so used to playing so many different games all the time and it's so hard with them. I think they'll be slightly upset that they are going to be playing a game for about 2 weeks (like these coming weeks it's going to be soccer), but they'll get over it. I'm going to do about 2 days of skills and 2 days of playing the game. I think it will help the kids in the years to come with starting to get used to being on a schedule and it will help all volunteers to come in the future.
So this weekend our community had began its change for the week. Both Anne and Chris had close family members pass away within days of each other and are home for this coming week to be with their family. It's strange without them here with us and how things run with a smaller number of people. It's also weird to think that all of the other communities have four people all the time yet its small for us. As much as six people can be hard at times, I really like having a larger community. It's more ideas for prayers, meals and just plain old topics of conversation. I don't know who exactly reads this, but I just ask you to keep both of them and their families in your prayers.
The weekend started off a little busier, but ended very simple and relaxing which was quite needed. Friday we went to the kick off for the fall festival at St. Pats. A parent (we don't know which ones and nobody will tell us) donated the money for six carne asada meals for us to eat while we were there. We've been here for close to a month and it's unbeliveable to me how generous people are to us. I think it's something that will still amaze me until the day we leave and even after. I like being there for the kickoff a lot because I was able to be at my school with my community and really show them where i'm working and give them some faces to names that I mention. After we left the kickoff we headed over to Janettes house, a volunteer from last year in SD who is working at St. Pats parish and USD. It was a pretty fun night because there were different staff member from USD there along with us and the JV's as well. We went to our favorite place, Hamilton's with the JV's after which was pretty fun.
Emily, Anne and I left Hamilton's earlier then the rest because we wanted to go to bed since we either had to work or were going surfing very early in the morning. After a few hours of sleeping though, we each were individually woken up in the middle of the night by Mike who decided to stand at the end of the bed singing to each of us while playing anne's guitar. Apparently I freaked out when I woke up, but now looking back it was halarious. Surfing came very early in the moring, just Emily and I went. Ali and Mike were tired from staying out late and Chris and Anne had flights early in the morning to head home. Deac had a boogie board for me that I was so excited about and we didn't stay for long, but he took the two of us to an adorable coffee shop on the way home which looking out on the water and was adorable.
In the afternoon, Ali and I spent the day at the mall. I needed a new pair of sneakers for both work and running and I wanted a watch to keep track of the time much easier throught the day at school. I also went into eagle and got depressed about the fact that I don't have a discount anymore. On the way out Ali and I couldn't find where we parked our car. Eventually we found it, but it's hard when we don't even know the lisence plate or what our car even looks like! We picked up Mike and Emily and then got some frozen yogurt of course. We are addicted here in SD to it. They are seriously everywhere and the places are amazing. It's really all I spend my stipend on. At night Ali had some of her friends from Nova over which was fun.
Today was a relaxing day here...we slept in a bit and then me ali and emily drove to mission bay park to go for a walk/run. I have officially started my training for a 5K on Thanksgiving. The program I'm using is a 9 week program which works out perfect because it's about 9 weeks away. I know it's going to be hard because I'm not a big runner, but I hoping that I can really get into it out here. I also am definitely starting the zumba class out here on Tuesdays. I cant wait to finally dance again :)
So I think thats about all for the week. It's going to be very strange out here without Anne and Chris...especially when I'm by myself on Tuedays and Thursday when Anne is usually with me at work. Hopefully I can begin to find my footing more with work this week. If you want to talk at all, either give me a call and I will pick up if I can. Or send me an email,, I love getting email from friends and family!
Saturday, September 12, 2009
this is our new auggie, ms. kupski

So tomorrow starts the 2nd week of school, my first week really teaching. I'm nervous to see how it will go and how kids will act. I'm trying to be more strict with them in the beginning and let them know the rules and hopefully they will behave in class. Tomorrow I just have 6th grade P.E. and an 8th grade computer class but have a few different engligh enrichment classes during the day to teach as well to the kids are fluent in spanish that come to St. Pats from TJ. Hopefully I can find something to get a good set of units going and a schedule for the year. As of now I'm just going week by week and i'm praying this one goes well! I just realized how long this was! I'm going to try to update more so the entries aren't as long. have a great week everyone!
Monday, August 31, 2009
this is the start of something good...don't you agree?
So, I left good ole Lowell, Massachusetts as of Monday, August 17th 2009 and headed to Philly for the beginning of AV orientation. I was happy that Alli and I were starting this and were able to fly and begin everything together. I think it worked out well to have each other throughout orientation as a transition between our friends and meeting new people and then heading off to our cities.

Alli and I in the airport before leaving
Although it was very long, orientation went very well. It was great to be able to meet a lot of new people who also have the desire to serve as well. Most days we had to wake up decently early and head over to Villanova (where orientation was being held). We had morning prayer and then different talks or logistic things to do throughout the day which were all done by different AV alumni, Augustinians or mostly the office staff. Following the long days we would head to a different Augustinians house for dinner each night and they would make us amazing meals and then we would go to a more relaxing place for the evening to do some more evening things (usually different talks or more sessions) and then just hang out with everyone for the rest of the night before going back to the hotel.
Saturday was the alumni day and sunday was commissioning mass so we were able to see and talk to a lot of alumni those days which was really great. Got to see Hannah again after a couple months which was great. Sunday evening following the dinner after commissiong we all went out to celebrate the beginning of the year. Monday we spent the day with everyone on the jersey shore. The beach was fab due to me losing my tan after being inside all week. We then went to dinner on the shore as well and had a great last night with everyone.

As much as orientation was great, it was definitely good to finally head out to San Diego, California on Tuesday! Flew out of Philadelphia at 1:10 had a lay over in Austin, Texas and landed in SD around 6, California time. I didn't think the time difference would be that bad, but it's throwing me off a lot more then I thought it would. I'm going to be early and waking up early which is truly a new concept for me but it seems to be working well! It's just difficult when communicating with anybody from home because I want to call or text at night but then I realize that they are most likely already sleeping.

My roommate Ali and I with all the free food we recieved after the feast. everybody is so generous to us!
Saturday our site supervisor deac, a 70 year old deacon, took us surfing in La Jolla! He is a very active 70 year old might I add and it was absolutely gorgeous there! I was not able to get up and ride any waves, but it was a lot of fun and I am definitely glad that I tried. Perhaps by the time June comes I will be able to do it! Maybe I can learn from Emily and Mike since they were both able to ride some waves. Sunday we had our first community meeting and figured out different things such as coordinating car schedules, prayer, grocery shopping, dinners, meetings and cleaning schedules. Good to finally have all of that in order. Then we went to Coronado beach, which I believe rated in the top 5 beaches in the entire country and it was incredible! I will be spending my spare time that I have to myself at the beach...don't want to lose this tan that I finally have for the first time in my life!

As of right now I am slightly bored at here. All of my roommates started their jobs today at schools, as a nurse and at the orphanage in TJ, but the school that I will be working for all year doesn't start until Tuedsay September 8th so I don't have much to do! Without much money and without anybody to hang out with regularly it isn't too much fun! I have a to do list which I have done a lot of, did some of the things I have to do as treasurer, I put up the prayer wall that we will be starting, I found a zumba class right down the street from St. Patricks (work) that I plan to take on Tuesdays from 6-7, and did some laundry. Today Anne and I went food shopping together while everybody else was at work (she works at St. Pats with part time on Tuesdays and Thursdays so she has a couple days off this week too). Tomorrow I'm going to call St. Pats in the morning to see if I can do anything there at all during the day and again on friday, and Thursday Anne and I are def going into the school for the day. Although it may seem like it's great to have the time off, it's actually pretty boring and I would much rather start my job, especially since I'm pretty much a work-a-holic and haven't worked in weeks. I've tried to do a lot around here for my community so i'm not just sitting around here all day while everybody else is working.
Our first dinner as a community up on the deck!
So, like I said, I'm not sure when or how often I will be updating, but I will try my hardest. I'm sure I'll have more to write about once I actually start my job. Let me know if there is anything specific you want to hear about! :)